Bukatsu-do is a five episode drama that is kind of a spin-off of Narumi Riko & Kitano Kie’s movie Bushido 16. They say spin-off but the two have no little in common than just the actresses. in fact they never are in the same episode at all in Bukatsu-do which is a very big let-down really. I was so disappoint that I had to let off watching the series until now.
Narumi-kun stars in eps 1, 3 and 5 while Kie-chan takes 2 and 4. Narumi’s episodes are a No-No as they are as straight as they come! Even the one that wasn’t about romance has her surrounded by guys only and no girls. the other two being about romance really made me so depressed I wanted to hit something. This is a very big deal for me (and probably Narumi-kun but she’s a pro actress so she can’t refuse roles) as if there is one person I know loves girls is Narumi Riko!
No, what got me to write about this is very sadly not Narumi-kun but Kie-chan’s episode 2 about a Tea-Ceremony Club – where she has a life-changing moment.